$500 in Funding Available for Five ‘Neighbourhoods Work’ Block Parties – Call for Lead Volunteers
The “Neighbourhoods Work Block Party” is an innovative initiative that aims to bring together residents, neighbourhoods and community organizations in a fun gathering to build social connections and to create even more amazing neighbourhoods.
The initiative is made possible by the Community Fund for Canada’s 150th, the Community Foundation of Whistler, the Government of Canada and extraordinary leaders from coast to coast to coast. The project is coordinated by the Whistler Centre for Sustainability. Five volunteer led neighbourhood block party opportunities are up for grabs with $500 in funding available for each event. Funding is available on a first come, first prepared, first serve basis. Neighbourhoods that didn’t host an event in 2015 will be prioritized but funds are open to all neighbourhoods.
One of the goals of this project is to help foster deeper community connections which in itself tends to support individual wellbeing. These connections also help to develop a foundation for neighbours to self-organize to improve their neighbourhoods with community organizations and improve their ability to respond to potential emergency situations.
- Neighbourhoods Work Toolkit Guide
- Neighbourhoods Work Application Form
- Neighbourhoods Work Fillable Event Poster
Top Ten Reasons to Host a Neighbourhood Block Party
Have fun!
- Meet your neighbours and make new friends
- Build stronger neighbourhood connections
- Celebrate your neighbourhood and community
- Create a deeper sense of pride and belonging
- Foster a better understanding of local community resources and service organizations
- Discover what local skills and talent exist in your neighbourhood
- Cultivate a healthy community and social resilience
- Promote safety and help prevent crime
- Foster a sense of ‘we’re all in it together’, look after your neighbour
There’s More! $500 in Funding Available for One Neighbourhood with the Best Idea for a Neighbourhood Legacy Project that leaves a legacy, supports neighbourhood belonging, and supports the environment.
This year, the Neighbourhood Works project has a twist: The Whistler Centre for Sustainability is also calling for neighbourhoods to create idea campaigns for easy-to-implement, legacy projects for the entire neighbourhood to enjoy. Project examples include: a shared toy box or shared library at a neighbourhood park, a notice board for neighbourhood events, or an environmental restoration initiative such as bird, bee, and bat houses… $500 in funding will be provided to the neighbourhood who comes up with an idea that gets the most support from residents and leaves a legacy, supports neighbourhood belonging, and supports the environment. An idea campaign has been created on Wayblaze.com, where residents can submit, comment on, and like ideas and can crowd-fund their favourites. Projects should leave a legacy, support neighbourhood belonging, and support the environment.
Where: Whistler neighbourhoods, for example: Cheakamus Crossing/Function, Bayshores, Creekside, Alta Vista, White Gold, Nesters, Whistler Cay, Alpine or Emerald.
When: June – September 2017
Contact Whistler Centre for Sustainability, Nicole Nauss, 778.868.4306 or email nnauss[at]whistlercentre.ca
The Community Fund for Canada’s 150th is a philanthropic organization that directs grants, leadership and other investments to community initiatives in celebration of Canada’s 150th. The Fund aims to encourage, inspire and build vibrant and healthy communities across Canada.
Community Foundation of Whistler is a registered charity that establishes and manages permanent endowment funds whose purpose is to benefit the residents of Whistler. Their is to be a catalyst for improving the quality of life in the Whistler community.