Engagement and Facilitation
We are process design and engagement and facilitation experts. We work with a client to identify the goals for engagement, who we need to engage with, how to engage, and then we design and facilitate an effective and creative process to meet those engagement goals.
Meaningfully engaging people in the decisions that affect them is the right thing to do and when done well, it also strengthens the decisions being made.
Our approach to engagement and facilitation is always inclusive and respectful of different ideas and opinions. We create space for dialogue and dreaming, while ensuring those thoughts and ideas become structured and focused enough to create purposeful input and concrete direction for moving forward. We employ many different techniques and tools that are cost-effective for the desired scale and diversity of participation.
We have an iAP2 Certified Public Participation practitioner on the team, and we use the iAP2 model when designing and facilitating engagement strategies.
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Feature Project
Canmore Affordable Housing Engagement
The Town of Canmore launched their Livable Canmore campaign with a focus on affordable housing and community character. Affordability was identified as the primary focus in the Town’s strategic plan, and creating affordable housing is fundamental to the strategy. Crucial to the success of the Livable Canmore campaign is an engaged and informed community. Read more…