Jul 11, 2017 | Economic Development, Social Venture Challenge
The average Canadian has $4,000 worth of ‘stuff’ sitting idle in their home, 80% of which gets used less than once per month. Keith Hammermeister presented these staggering stats during a convincing pitch for his venture Gear Share Hub during the Social Venture...
Jul 3, 2017 | Economic Development, Social Venture Challenge
Is it possible to grow the local economy, support new entrepreneurs, protect the environment and do good for the community? The Centre created the Social Venture Challenge to do exactly that. We’ve just wrapped up the program for the third year in the Sea to Sky...
Jun 27, 2017 | BC, Business, Social Venture Challenge
Any skier who has thrown out an old pair of skis can appreciate the pain involved in the process. A non-skier might think “what’s the big deal?”, but a skier knows that a simple pair of skis can represent innumerable mountain memories… laughter, tears, joy, awe,...
May 24, 2017 | BC, Business, Social Venture Challenge
Jeff Anderson started making homemade dog treats not because he knew he wanted to start a business, but because he wanted healthier food for his beloved canine companions, Doobie and Lilly. At eleven years old, Doobie had developed several lumps on his body. After...