Select Contracts – Strategic Planning Facilitation

Select Contracts – Strategic Planning Facilitation

  Select Contracts – Strategic Planning Facilitation     Project Description Select Contracts was looking to update their online messaging and marketing materials, but they realized the need to first revisit their corporate vision and mission. We helped...
Pemberton Public Engagement

Pemberton Public Engagement

Pemberton Public Engagement Project Description With 174 participants attending the event held in Pemberton, we had our hands full but our engagement process proved successful. It was able to accommodate the numbers and gather input through a number of mechanisms. The...
Kimberley ICSP

Kimberley ICSP

Kimberley ICSP Project Description The Kimberley Integrated Community Sustainable Plan “Imagine Kimberley” engaged citizens through unique multi-media events, citien working sessions, and an advisory committee. Imagine Kimberely developed into a inspiring vision of...