Sep 7, 2018 | Action Planning, Age-Friendly, local government
The Centre recently completed age-friendly action plans with three communities in the Lower Columbia: Rossland, Montrose and Trail. Not only did the assessment and planning process lead to prioritized actions to make each community more livable for seniors, it also...
May 22, 2018 | Action Planning, Age-Friendly, BC, Community Planning, Strategic Planning, Whistler
by Dan Wilson, Whistler Centre for Sustainability Creating more affordable housing in British Columbia is a hot topic these days, and many communities and individuals in BC appreciate the renewed focus on this issue from both the provincial and federal governments....
Jul 6, 2017 | Age-Friendly, Community Planning
Seniors now account for 18% of BC’s population, and for some small BC communities the proportion is closer to 30%. And while the definition of ‘senior’ seems to be changing and up for debate, one thing is for sure: we’re all aging. And baby boomers – the largest...
Dec 18, 2014 | Action Planning, Age-Friendly, Engagement, Facilitation
An age-friendly community is one where older adults can enjoy good health, community support and feel a sense of security as they engage and participate in the community. Making places more age-friendly not only improves quality of life for seniors, it also creates a...