Jun 4, 2023 | Libraries, Social innovation
WCS Engagement + Planning has been assisting various public libraries with strategic planning. At the core of the strategic planning process is developing a shared vision and mission for the library, including the unique role it plays in the community it serves. ...
Nov 16, 2021 | BC, Climate Change
As of October 2021, 433 BC municipalities (517 in Canada) have declared a climate emergency, others have declared their commitment to the 1.5oC target for emissions, and others have developed ambitious climate action plans. However, key to successful implementation of...
Mar 27, 2020 | BC, Facilitation, Healthy Communities
During this challenging and rapidly changing time of concern about COVID-19, we wish you all continued health and safety. To support global efforts of reducing the pandemic and flattening the curve, our team members are all working from home and conducting all of our...
Sep 10, 2018 | BC, Housing
by Dan Wilson, Whistler Centre for Sustainability Creating more affordable housing in British Columbia continues to be a hot topic these days, and many communities and individuals in BC appreciate the renewed focus on this issue from both the provincial and federal...
May 22, 2018 | Action Planning, Age-Friendly, BC, Community Planning, Strategic Planning, Whistler
by Dan Wilson, Whistler Centre for Sustainability Creating more affordable housing in British Columbia is a hot topic these days, and many communities and individuals in BC appreciate the renewed focus on this issue from both the provincial and federal governments....
May 10, 2018 | Action Planning, BC, Social innovation
In the fall of last year, the Centre convened a regional Food Task Force with the goal of gathering expertise and ideas for collaborative action to advance region-wide initiatives for food system sustainability. This project builds on existing plans and policies,...