Apr 15, 2015 | Community Planning, ICSP, local government, OCP, Shared Vision
Which of these scenarios best describe your community? Your ICSP is rocking your community; your whole organizational culture and decision-making processes are aligned with the goals; your monitoring efforts show that you’re making steady progress towards the goals;...
Mar 18, 2015 | Community Planning, ICSP, Integration, local government, Neighbourhood, OCP, Sustainability
Local governments have a responsibility for undertaking community planning to ensure the community’s needs are met in the present and future in areas ranging from land use, housing, transportation and economic development (among others). In recent years,...
Jul 22, 2014 | Community Planning, OCP
Reviewing your OCP’s goals and policies every five or so years, and undertaking a complete OCP update every ten years is generally considered to be best practice. Recently, leading municipalities are updating their OCPs to align with their community sustainability...
Nov 19, 2013 | Alignment, Community Planning, ICSP, OCP, Yukon
Municipalities in the Yukon are required to update their Integrated Community Sustainability Plans (ICSPs) every five years and to update and align their Official Community Plans (OCPs) with the ICSPs. ICSPs are comprehensive, long-term plans to guide communities...
Dec 6, 2012 | Community Planning, ICSP, OCP
Local governments have a responsibility for undertaking community planning to ensure the community’s needs are met in the present and future in areas ranging from land use, housing, transportation and economic development (among others). In recent years,...
Dec 6, 2012 | BC, Community Planning, Engagement, Events, Facilitation, OCP
The Centre is assisting the City of Fernie with their OCP update and alignment with Forever Fernie, the City’s Integrated Community Sustainability Plan. Community engagement is an essential part of the update process, and we were able to facilitate some fun and...